Friday, March 16, 2007


katherine said...

Okay, they call publishing OJ's book was a way of making money bla bla bla. And what is the family gaining now...MONEY!!! Im so sick and tired of them, I dont feel any pity for them now,just anger and frustration. OJ got over it, heres a tip: GET OVER IT!!! Leave the man alone, let him write his book and get his profits! This is so upsetting, it really is.

PAGirl said...

So OJ got over it? What does he have to get over? There are two people dead because of him and you want the public to GET OVER IT? Give me a break, katherine!

CarlyNorris said...

It's a great idea to auction off this book and have it published.

You will get some portion of the $35 million in damagers that are due you (due to Simpson's murder of your son).

We will be able to read the confession of Simpson. Although he cannot be convicted of murder, it is possible to get a conviction of a lesser charge, and publication of this book may be the route to obtaining that conviction.

We wish you and your family well in your endeavor to get some sort of justice in the aftermath of the heinous crime committed by Simpson and his cronies.

Stacy said...

How can you not feel pity for both them and the Browns. They lost their children to a brutal, brutal murder. OJ gets by with it, and then continues to capitalize on his crime. Give me a break, although nothing will ever bring them their son back, they still deserve every penny OJ ever dreams of making.

Unknown said...

Fred Goldman is disgusting! I am no OJ Simpson fan and I believe he did it too, but Fred Goldman is nothing but an attention hound and a greedy, greedy man. Everyone forgets he was not real close with his son when he died, but now that there is money involved, he becomes Mr. Father. How disgusting. A real father would act like Mr. Brown and grieve quietly and in the background and not chase after the media and money. Shame on you Fred Goldman!

Unknown said...

Absolutely! Publish it.

The victims families should write a forward to the book and redesign the cover. If they own the rights to it, they can do that.

Once the book is published, use the proceeds from its sale to pay for the legal action required to go after the money OJ got for writing it... and every other penny he has.

Unknown said...

To those that are critical of Mr. Goldman...

Knock it off!!

If I were him I would be all over OJ like flies on shit. Everytime he turned around for the rest of his life, there I would be... and because he is a celebrity part of that would rewuire me to be on tv and in the media.

I applaud him for his tenacity... he has handled it well, considering what he has been through.

Just imagine how angry you would be if someone killed your son and then got away with it... what would you want done to that person.

Mr. Goldman obviously feels constrained by the law, but should and is doing everything within the law to put pressure on OJ to pay for his crime.

Who knows if I would be as constrained as him.

Unknown said...

It's so sad really, and I'm not talking about OJ. The world already knows what a pathetic, sad man he is, but the Goldman’s... well…you’ve just joined the ranks of “how low can you go.” OJ. This is greed at it's finest and most absurd level. Sure, you want the money, who the hell wouldn’t, but the book is not about out Ron, it's about Nicole. I’m sure OJ donated one line in the book to your son. Who the hell do you think you are to push this without the permission of the Brown family? This is so not about you Goldman's, and yet, thanks to you, OJ is once again in the news. Are really that hard up? Get a job and move on? What in Abraham’s name is your motive? Money! If that’s the case, then you and your family are sick. I’m sure OJ is sitting back laughing at your desire to destroy him and still you can’t… you can’t. OJ will live in the lap of luxury and guilt until he dies. He’s never going to work or get a job because he knows that you will lie in wait to snatch up a penny. So in the end, he has won again. And you, Goldman’s, are the horse with the carrot dangling. You’re never going to get it.

He's the silly irony in the whole thing…we know OJ is a jerk but now, Goldman’s, you are the jerks too. Boy, I bet you never saw that coming. Even the Brown family detests you.

Netgui68 said...

Well I see they blow out both sides of their mouth. What a bunch of liars. Their motive is money and they are no better than Simpson. Apparantly Fred Goldman is nothing but a whinny liar. I personally do not want to hear another complaints from this man or his family...they just spent all their goodwill by showing their true hand and intentions.

Unknown said...

Shame on you Fred Goldman. First this book is mostly about Nicole and you don't have the consent from her family. We now see your true intentions, instead of you greiving about your son and remembering all the good times you had with him, you are using his death as a money making scheme. You are no better that O.J. Simpson. Simpson may have physically killed your son but you are killing his spirit and memory by using this book to get money. NO O.J. shouldn't get any but no one should from such a grotesque book. Want a book deal, get one from writing about the memory of your son and what a great guy he was, if thats how you feel not from something like this. Fred Goldman you are disgusting

Trina said...

I think that BOTH Families deserve any money from publishing the book, but why would WE good citizens who claim to believe he did it... why would we want to buy the book to begin with? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of. If we want to help OJ pay off the monetary obligation he has to the families, send them a check!

RoughTexas said...

I don't think this is a very good idea. Personally, it seems like a reversal and motivated by the profit aspect.

If that's true, it's only one more crime to what is already one of the most sensationalized and sad tales in American crime history.

It lumps the families with O.J. in that they all now should be ashamed of themselves.

bev said...

Burn the damn book who want to buy a book for profit someone death. The Goldman she not be so low and I agree with The Brown family

Marie said...

I hope they do get to auction this book off. At least OJ won't get to profit from it any more. I can't believe that anyone would say such horrible things about the Goldman's. Your anger should be directed at OJ. He should have never made such a book then the Goldman's wouldn't be in this position. Simpson is such a snake.

IMSAYIN said...

I find some of the comments posted on this blog to be unbelievably reprehensible.

I am referring to the comments made by...katherine, brooke, kim, ken, kellyar1, and Christopher in Sacramento

Ask yourselves this question...

Had your loved one been a victim in this case...What the hell would you do, say, or feel ?

I believe beyond any doubt at all that OJ committed this crime. Go read his testimony on direct from the plaintiff's council in his civil trial...

Here are the URL links to that testimony, which was taken over a period of 3 days.

OJ is worse at lying, and trying to evade questions, than the average 5 year old.

There is no way any reasonable person could read OJ's very own words, and still believe him to be innocent.

This freakin guy murdered two people. Was he punished by the criminal justice system ?

No he wasn't.

The families know that the criminal trial was an absolute disgrace...

Some fault for this, definately lies at the feet of the police, the CSI people, and the prosecutors themselves. They effed up pretty much everything it was possible to eff up.

So that left the families with no other legal recourse, other than filing suit, in a civil court.

In the civil trial the plaintiffs won their case. OJ was found to be liable for the wrongful deaths of Nicole Brown, and Ron Goldman.

For PUNITIVE damages Simpson was to pay $ 12,500,000.00 to Fred Goldman, and $ 12,5000.000.00 to Louise Brown.

Do you freakin people understand the word P-U-N-I-T-I-V-E ? It means to PUNISH.

The complete judgement was for $33,500,000.00. With interest it is now up to $ 38,000,000.00.

This judgement meant that OJ Simpson may have walked in the Criminal trial, but he was not escaping all punishment ( Just wait until OJ meets his maker. There will be no escaping that final judgement, and punishment...PERIOD ).

Fred Goldman states...
" Our purpose was to take away the killer’s rights to any future earnings from that book. And the court granted us our request. Now he will no longer be able to profit from that book or anything like it. "

Unfortunately, OJ had already received $750,000.00 from the original book deal. From what I've read he has been able to keep ( hide, give away ) this money, so that it can't be grabbed by the courts. I don't know for sure that that is the case, but it is something I have read.

This latest move was a way to make sure that OJ would never see another penny for that book.

If I'm not mistaken, OJ receives a pension from football that can't be taken from him, to settle the judgement ( I've seen figures that state the pension is about $400,000.00 per year ).

Most of the couples that I know, earn under $100,000.00 a year. That's the combined incomes of the man, and the woman.

So if the $400,000.00 figure is correct. He gets more than 4 times what John, and Jane Q. Public do. He definately does not have to eat Kraft Dinner every day of his life, does he ? Not only does he actually get to live. He gets to live outside of a jail cell. The freakin guy still golfs every freakin day. Is that justice ?

The murders took place in 1994. Here we are in 2007, and does anyone out there believe that OJ has been punished for his crimes yet ?

I've found Fred Goldman to be a very bitter man...How the hell can I blame him, for that ? He was probably a fairly normal, and happy, average Joe on June 12, 1994. From the second he heard from the coroner's office on June 13, 1994 though...His life has probably been a living hell. One that no caring human being would wish upon their worst enemy.

Fred knows OJ killed his child. The whole freakin world knows OJ killed his child.

Since the day of the verdict in the criminal trial. OJ has thumbed his nose at the Brown's, the Goldman's, and the American Justice System, and has not been punished in any tangible way at all.

IMO...The judgement in the civil trial, and this latest thing with the book, are not so much that the families will ever actually get any money out of them...The primary purpose is to make sure OJ Simpson does not receive money stained with the blood of Nicole, and Ron, so as to live the lifestyle he had become accustomed to, prior to his arrest.

I've asked myself the question I asked you. Here's my honest answer to it.

Had it been my relative that was murdered, and I was forced to watch this man get away with murder...I know exactly what I would do.

I would have exacted my own justice, by my own hand, for my loved one. OJ Simpson would not be alive today. I would then gladly stand up in open court, and admit to the world exactly what I had done, and why I had done it. IMO, that is the only just punishment for what he did.

If it had been Joe Blow from Kokomo that had been charged with this crime. The Prosecutors would have been seeking the Death Penalty. They knew no jury would sentence him to die though, and felt the best way to proceed, and actually receive justice for Ron, and Nicole was to not pursue the death penalty ( They've said as much ).

I don't believe for one second that Fred Goldman is motivated strictly by greed. I believe that revenge and/or punishment is his main objective.

I would like to see any future monies realized from the book, donated to charity, however...

In the end though...

IMO, Fred Goldman deserves every single freakin penny he can ever get out of OJ Simpson...No matter what Fred decides to do with it.

Christopher in Sacramento...

You state..." It lumps the families with O.J. in that they all now should be ashamed of themselves. "

The Brown family vehemently opposes the publication of this book, and Denise Brown said so in a statement to The New York Daily News. You might want to get your freakin facts straight, before you start telling the world the " FAMILIES " should be ashamed of themselves.

katherine bestows this little gem on us...
"GET OVER IT!!!...This is so upsetting, it really is. "

Yes...I'm quite sure that you're way more upset than the Brown's, or Goldman's. I mean...It's only THEIR children that were murdered...Not yours. I'm sure you have lost many nights sleep over the whole affair, and you must have a huge personal stake in the case. I'm sure Fred doesn't realize how upsetting this is for you, but if he knew how distressing this is for you...I'm sure he would just " GET OVER IT "

That was the most messed up thing I have ever read on the internet...And I couldn't believe the compassion of a human being could possibly ever hit a point lower than that.

I was wrong...

Yes, brooke...

I'm sure that Fred Goldman prayed every day of his life for his son to be brutally murdered, so that he could get attention, and money for it.

Your post is the most asinine thing I have EVER read on the internet...Considering the IQ scores of many that editorialize on the world wide web...That's saying something. Your post makes me wonder how you can even have the intelligence to actually turn a computer on.

No amount of money, even if they received it all ( 38 million dollars ), would be enough money to replace their loved ones. No amount of money on this planet will make it possible for the families to see their loved ones, even one more time, for even a fraction of a second.


You freakin people make me sick, and I believe you are the ones who should be ashamed. You are the ones that are disgusting. IMO, you people are cold-hearted, and very small. Actually my true opinion of you people is much worse than what I care to state in public, but I would gladly tell you to your faces, should I ever have the misfortune to meet you.

There's just one more thing I can't help but wonder...

I'm curious to know what the skin color is of the people on this blog that are bashing Fred Goldman ?

For the record...I am Caucasian. I live in Canada. Mark Fuhrman, and his kind make me sick. My opinions are based on facts...Not skin color, or any biases I may have concerning skin color.

It shames me to think that people like you belong to my race...The only race that should matter...The HUMAN race.

I don't give a flyin freak what OJ's skin color is.

I don't give a flyin freak what anyone's skin color is. Neither should the justice system.

namma said...

I have thought for a long time that Goldman was was on a mission to make $
I saw Denise Brown on an interview this morning and have no doubt that she and her family are good people and know right from wrong
I also found that Fred Goldman had tried to sue the Browns awhile back for 2 million claiming that they had OJs Heisman trophy and were hiding it!!!
Now tell me Fred isn't $$$$ hungry
All of you who say OJ killed his son so he deserves what ever $ he can get ,Well then is it OK for Fred to go after the Browns also
Oh ya I guess every one forgot that they suffered a great loss as well
They just haven't put them selves in every ones faces every day for years
begging for $
That family has class unlike Goldman and his daughter

mtnman46 said...

screw all of you losers who bash the goldmans. who are you to judge when you haven't walked in their shoes. they deserve any monies they can get from oj from his book or any other way. so do the browns. it was because of nicole's relationship with oj ron was killed. fred should keep himself & especially oj in the limelite so no one forgets. if it was'nt, you wouldn't be here now.